In the Analyze tab, you can:
see how the response rate changes over time;
learn about the completion rate;
see all information you collected about a specific respondent along with their response;
filter the results for advanced analysis;
share a respondent's profile with your team on Slack or with a link;
download survey datato use in your reports or presentations;
delete responses that you don't want to include in the analysis
In this article, you'll learn how to find your survey results, analyze the data, and access a specific respondent's profile.
View survey results
Once your survey has gone live and you've collected responses, you can view them in the Survicate panel.
1. Access the results simply by clicking your survey's Responses hyperlink in the main dashboard:
Or open a survey and go to its Analyze tab:
2. Under Overall results
you can see your survey's:
First response date
Last response date
Number of Responses
Number of Total views
Completion rate
Average Completion time
Response rate (for Website and Mobile surveys)
Unique views (for Website and Mobile surveys)
3. You can change the graph to show the responses grouped into years, quarters, months, weeks, or days:
The overtime charts have a maximum range of 12 data points for months/weeks/quarters/years. If you can't see a Week, Day, or Month filter, please change the date range in the top-right corner to a shorter period:
Glossary of elements in Overall results
First response: Date of when your survey collected it's first response
Last response: Date of when your surveys collected it's latest response
Responses: Number of times your survey has been started, in other words, collected responses to its first step.
Response rate: (available for Website and Mobile surveys) The percentage of users that responded to your survey. It is calculated by
the number of responses/number of total views in website surveys x 100
. Having a high response rate will give you better insights.Total views: How many times your survey was seen – regardless of collecting a response.
Unique views: (available for Website and Mobile surveys) The number of different people who viewed the survey, as some people may have viewed it more than once.
Completion rate: The average number of answered survey questions for all respondents. For example, the completion rate of 43% means that if the survey has 10 questions in total, respondents tend to answer 4.3 questions on average.
Completion time: Average time it takes a single respondent to answer the survey. Incomplete responses are taken into account as well.
📌 Deleting the first or last responses will affect the First response and Last response data.
📌 In the default date range, the analysis shows the number of Total views and Unique views from the first response to the latest response. Thus, views beyond the latest response are not visible.
You can see all views if you choose the custom range (the whole period the survey has been launched in) in the Analyze tab:
Introduction to the Filter section
1. Overall stats can be filtered using pre-defined most popular time ranges; weekly, monthly, and quarterly.
2. You can combine filters using AND, and OR conditions.
3. The flexible filtering module allows you to choose from various conditions: is one of, is none of, has any value, is unknown, contains, doesn't contain, starts with, ends with, is between.
4. All filters use autosuggestions. This means you don't need to remember all possible value names of respondents' attributes; these values will be available in the dropdown.
AI Analysis
If your survey contains a Text answer question, in the Analyze tab, you will see:
Word cloud analysis of the responses;
Text answers summarized into relevant Insights;
Insights use artificial intelligence to summarize all text answers your respondents provided, and arrange them from the most to least popular, saving you time and effort.
Individual Responses tab
1. Individual responses tab allows you to see each survey response separately.
2. All answers from the specific respondent to the survey.
3. Exact timestamp when a response was given.
4. Under the Response details, you can see the URL where the response was given, the device, and the operating system.
5. On the right side of the Individual responses tab, you'll see the information about a user. These are Response details, User attributes, External profiles, and Other survey responses.
💡 Feel free to filter your survey responses by specific answers, email addresses, device type, and many more.
Share a specific response via Slack
If you have the Slack integration connected, in the Individual responses tab, you can choose to share particular responses via Slack:
Best practices
Export the results to XLSX or CSV files
Learn how to take advantage of the export feature to slice and dice data on your spreadsheet software or create custom-made charts.
Enable E-mail Notifications or E-mail reports
If you'd like to receive e-mails upon each survey response, feel free to enable our E-mail Notifications integration. If you'd like to receive daily, weekly, or monthly summaries with the overall survey results, feel free to enable E-mail Reports.
Delete a response from your survey
Remove your test answers from a survey, so they will not have any effect on your survey analysis.
📞 If you have any questions about analyzing survey responses - feel free to reach out to our team via chat or email: