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Individual responses tab

Learn about the features that will let you to work with feedback faster

Agnieszka avatar
Written by Agnieszka
Updated over a week ago

The Individual responses tab allows you to:

  • quickly get to know more about your respondents and the feedback provided by them;

  • filter the results to find respondents who are unsatisfied with your product and learn about their reasons;

  • share a respondent's profile with your team on Slack or with a link;

  • delete answers from specific respondents.

In this article, you'll learn how to access, analyze, share, and delete individual responses.

Access your respondents' profiles

1. Go to the Analyze tab of your survey and find the respondent icon on the left bar.

2. You'll see a detailed profile of your respondents and useful features that will let you work with the feedback faster.

1️⃣ You can filter responses by question, provided answer, name, email, operating system, device, tags, custom attributes, and by HubSpot and Intercom data. You can also choose the timeframe for which you'd like to see the answers.

2️⃣ All respondents are listed in the left panel, where you can see their email addresses and the date and time each user responded to this survey.

3️⃣ Once you highlight the respondent, you'll see the person's precise responses and the questions they answered in the middle panel.

4️⃣ Use the Share button to share the feedback with your team in a Slack channel with a link or to invite a colleague to join your Survicate account.

5️⃣ The 🗑 icon lets you delete a chosen respondent's answers.

On the right side of the Individual responses tab, you'll see the Response details, User attributes, and External profiles column, as well as the Export button.

6️⃣ Export your results in XLSX or CSV files.

On the right side, you can review your respondent profile. Collecting respondents' data depends on the type of survey and distribution tool you are using.

By default, Survicate will gather anonymous responses, but you can use a tool to identify respondents, use merge tags in link surveys, and pass attributes from your website.

7️⃣ Response details include the URL with which the respondent took the survey, the device type they used, and the operating system.

8️⃣ User attributes are information passed with the survey link or from your website that we assign to each respondent's answers. These include name, country, organization ID, job title, and many more. You can pass user attributes to Survicate with a code for your Website or in-product surveys and with a survey link for Email or Shareable link surveys to target surveys, recall respondent information in the questions, and filter responses.

9️⃣ The External profiles feature lets quickly go to a respondent's HubSpot or Intercom profile.

🔟 The Tags section includes all tags which were previously assigned to a particular respondent based on their participation in your surveys.

1️⃣1️⃣ Other survey responses let you easily jump to another survey's submission, that this respondent provided.

Find a response that matches your criteria

1. You can use different timeframe settings for displaying the results. The default option will show all of the results since launching the survey. Use the custom settings or view the responses provided in the last quarter, month, or week.

2. You can filter your results by Response data and Respondent data:

Question and answer: display only the respondents who answered precise questions. You can also choose if the answer starts with, ends with, contains, doesn't contain input value, is unknown, or has any value. It's possible to filter NPS by the exact score given by the respondent.

✉️ E-mail of the respondent

📇 Name of the respondent

⚙️ Operating system respondent uses, such as Android, iOS, macOS, Linux, Windows, Chrome OS, Other

💻 Device used to respond, such as Desktop, Mobile, Tablet, TV

🏷 Tags assigned or not assigned to a respondent.

👱‍♀️Custom Attributes let you break down survey results by certain information you know about your respondents, such as their name, email domain, company, and many more.

By default, AND condition is used to filter the results. You can change that - click on AND between the filters to switch from AND to OR condition.

📌 The filter feature is available on some of the plans. Please visit our Pricing page or reach out to us to learn more.

Share a respondent's profile with your team

Chosen responses from the Individual responses tab can be shared with the team in just a few clicks. Select the Share button so you can:

  • Copy link and send the answer via email or chat,

  • Share on Slack to your selected channel,

  • Invite colleague to your workspace and work together with provided responses.

🔧 Sharing respondents' profiles on Slack will require integrating the tool with Survicate. Read more about how to enable Slack integration. After authorizing the connection, choose the channel and share feedback.

Delete multiple responses at once

To delete one response, highlight it so the answers are visible in the middle panel, and click the trash can icon next to the Share button.

If you want to delete spam or useless feedback in bulk, mark a checkbox in a few of them and choose the trash can icon in the left panel at the top. If you mark the checkbox next to that icon, all responses will be selected with one click.

Acknowledge deleting chosen responses to confirm the action - we will permanently delete these answers.


I can't delete a response

To delete responses, you must be the organization owner or the workspace admin. You can ask the account owner to grant you admin permissions.

Best practices

Learn what all the information in your Analyze tab means

Take a look at our survey results basic guide to understand your survey's response rate, completion rate, or the number of views.

Export the results to XLSX or CSV files

Learn how to take advantage of the export feature to slice and dice data on your spreadsheet software or create custom-made charts.

Enable E-mail Notifications or E-mail reports

If you'd like to receive e-mails upon each survey response, feel free to enable our E-mail Notifications integration. If you'd like to receive daily, weekly, or monthly summaries with the overall survey results, feel free to enable E-mail Reports.

📞 If you have any questions about reading survey results - feel free to reach out to our team via chat or email:

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