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Create Dashboards with Insights Hub and Surveys widgets to see multi-surveys data overview.

Daniela avatar
Written by Daniela
Updated over a week ago

In the Survicate Dashboards section, you can create custom boards using widgets. The widgets can display data from both your surveys and the Insights Hub. A single dashboard can combine data from multiple surveys, so you don’t have to switch between them or manually merge data using other tools. Dashboards also help you visualize data from Insights Hub, making it easier to analyze and understand your results in one place.

Create a dashboard

To create a dashboard in your workspace, go to Dashboards ➡️ +Create dashboard. Creating more boards is possible in the left-hand panel with the +Add button. A dashboard name can be edited after creation, as shown in the video below:

A dashboard can include multiple widgets with data from your surveys and Insights Hub. Please note that a dashboard is created within a workspace.

📌 To a dashboard, you can add data from surveys and Insights Hub from the same workspace the dashboard is in.

You can create multiple dashboards in a single workspace, and one dashboard can include multiple widgets with data from your surveys and your Insights Hub.

What are widgets?

Widgets are customizable elements that you can add to your dashboard. By adding multiple widgets, you can create a comprehensive view of data that interests you or that you want to analyze collectively. For example, you can create a dashboard with widgets focused on feedback about your product or your customer service 🚀

There are two types of widgets you can create:

🎉 Soon, we'll release a third widget type - Combined Score Widget. With this widget type, it will be possible to combine NPS or CSAT scores from multiple surveys in one chart.

You can add a widget to a dashboard via the + Add widget button in the upper right corner of your dashboard. Here, you can see how to add an exemplary widget:

See step-by-step instructions on how to create Insights Hub Widgets and Survey Widgets below 💡

You can download a chart from a specific widget in PDF or PNG:

Widget types descriptions

1. What is an Insights Hub Widget?

An Insights Hub Widget is a type of widget you can add to your Dashboard to visualize the data collected in your Insights Hub. It provides a clear and structured way to analyze your Topics and Insights.

An Insights Hub Widget can showcase quantitative data about:

  • Topics;

  • Insights;

  • General sentiment of collected feedback;

  • Feedback that is broken down by any custom attribute that you pass to Survicate.

2. What is a Survey Widget?

With a survey widget, you can add to your Dashboard everything that’s possible in the survey analysis about each survey question and more. You can add widgets with data from different surveys to one dashboard to make cross-survey analysis more convenient.

Creating and adding widgets

1. Create an Insights Hub Widget

1. Go to Dashboards and either open one of your existing dashboards or add a new one with the +Add button

2. In the upper right corner, click +Add widget ➡️ Insights Hub

3. On the left side of the screen, you can choose what data you want to show in your widget. You can choose All feedback or a specific Topic.

📌 If you don't see a topic in the dropdown list, start writing its name in the search bar, and it will appear.

4. Click +Breakdown to add a breakdown to your data. You can break data by Sentiment, Insights, or Attribute. Data can be broken down into a maximum of two layers. For example, you can break customer feedback by topics and then by sentiment or insights. But it's not possible to break down by topics, then insights, then sentiment.

5. In the upper right corner, you can change the chart type. Data can be displayed as a bar, column, or pie chart to showcase the distribution of feedback or as a line chart to showcase distribution over time.

6. Once you're finished customizing the widget and you're happy with how it looks, click the Create widget button in the lower left corner of the screen 🚀

2. Create a Survey Widget

1. Go to Dashboards and either open one of your existing dashboards or add a new one with the +Add button

2. In the upper right corner, click +Add widget ➡️ Single Survey Question

3. On the left side of the screen, you can choose what Question from which Survey you want to pull the data from

Supported question types:

  • Single answer selection;

  • Multiple answer selection;

  • Dropdown list;

  • Smiley scale;

  • Rating scale;

  • Net Promoter Score® (NPS);

  • Matrix;

  • Ranking answer;

  • Text answer.

4. Click +Breakdown to add a breakdown to your data. You can break data by Question or Attribute

5. In the upper right corner, you can change the chart type. Data can be displayed as a bar, column, pie, or line chart to showcase trends over time. Data can be broken down by any custom attribute you pass to Survicate or by any answer given to a survey.

Managing widgets on a Dashboard

Created widgets can be resized and moved with drag and drop. Additionally, you can duplicate, delete, and rename existing widgets. 

❗ Please note that once you create a widget, it's not possible to edit it - change the chosen question or topics, change the chart type or the breakdown. In such a case, you must delete the widget and create a new one. Also, it is not possible to move a widget from one dashboard to another one.

📞 If you have any questions or need help creating or managing your dashboards, feel free to contact our team at or strike up a chat conversation!

Net Promoter, NPS, and the NPS - related emoticons are registered U.S. trademarks, and Net Promoter Score and Net Promoter System are service marks, of Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc. and Fred Reichheld.

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