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How to measure and analyze CSAT with rating questions?
How to measure and analyze CSAT with rating questions?

Learn how to measure Customer Satisfaction with customised rating questions available for website and email surveys.

Agnieszka avatar
Written by Agnieszka
Updated this week

Survicate lets you use rating questions with many different looks and compare overall Satisfaction results in a selected time frame.  Question types that allow for measuring the CSAT score are:

  • Smiley scale;

  • Rating scale.

In this article, you'll learn how to customize your rating questions, run an omnichannel CSAT survey, and analyze the satisfaction score.

Learn why measuring CSAT is essential by watching our video here 📽️

Customize and analyze Rating scale question

You can adjust the text, design, and range of your Rating scale question to fit your brand and research purpose. You can use 2 - 10 point scales in rating questions presented by hearts, thumbs, stars icons, or numerical values:

If you need more personalized answer choices, you can use adjustable text messages as a scale. Choose Classic CSAT - text buttons and edit the Scale labels.

📌 This option is available with a 5-point scale only.

If you choose Shapes as your Scale style, you can decide on what shape you want your respondents to click on in the Rating scale's Settings tab:

Here, you can also decide if you want to show the Submit button and what you wish the text on the very left and right to read:

If you choose Numerical as your Scale style, the modifications allow for changing the Text of the very left, Text on the very right, the range between 2 and 10, and choosing to show the Submit button or not.

❗️Rating scale is not available in Intercom messenger surveys.

In Mobile surveys, it’s possible to add a Rating scale if you use a Mobile SDK version starting from 2.1.0. For surveys with earlier SDK versions, the Rating scale will be converted to a Single answer selection.

The results of a Rating scale will be presented both as a graph and as a breakdown of what percentage of all responses was provided for each answer choice. You'll also see how many responses your question collected over time.

Customize and analyze Smiley scale question

With the Smiley scale, you can measure satisfaction on a three or 5-point scale:

In the Settings tab of your Smiley scale question, you'll find the options to change the Text on the very left, Text on the very right, select the Number of answers, and choose if you want to show the Submit button:

❗️A Smiley scale question is not available in Intercom messenger surveys.

The results of a Smiley scale will be presented as a graph and as a breakdown of what percentage of all responses was provided for each answer choice. You'll also see how many responses your question collected over time.

Run an omnichannel CSAT survey

Both Rating scale & Smiley scale questions are available for Email or Shareable link and Website or in-product surveys so that you can measure customer satisfaction via multiple channels. You'll be able to engage more respondents by letting them complete the survey in the most suitable time and way.

If you want to measure satisfaction scores inside your mobile application, use the Smiley scale question so we can provide you with a calculated CSAT score.

💡 With our Combined Score Widget in Dashboards, you can combine the scores from all channels in a single interface. This allows you to either merge or compare CSAT scores in one view

How is the score calculated?

Survicate automatically calculates your CSAT so you can see it updated after each new survey response in the Analyze tab of your survey. You'll see each answer option's percentage of votes and the CSAT score.

The formula for the Total score is:

Check out our video to quickly learn how the results of a Rating scale question are calculated 📽️

Satisfied customers are marked on your graph as green. You can hover the mouse cursor over the graph bars to see the exact percentage provided for each answer choice.

For example, let's calculate the score for the below Rating scale question:

Satisfied customers = 33.4% who answered '7'; 11.1% who answered '8'; and 11.1% who answered '9'

CSAT = 56%

🚀 Ready for new ideas to improve your product? Start with CSAT survey right now or learn more about Customer Satisfaction from our blog post.


Can I customize the emojis in my Smiley scale question?

It's not possible to adjust the smiley faces. If you want to customize the emojis, feel free to use single-choice answer questions and paste the emojis in the applicable fields.

Can I add a comment field to the answer choices in a Rating scale or Smiley scale question?

To add a comment field to a Rating scale or a Smiley scale question, click on the Add comment option:

Best practices

Filter responses to compare how a group of respondents with common characteristics rate your product

Use advanced results filtering to track your results over time and implement your users' ideas to prevent churn, improve your product and learn what you're doing best among your competitors.

Enable recurring website surveys

To collect insight regularly, you can use the automatically recurring surveys feature. Set up your survey to be displayed daily, monthly, or quarterly on your website or in your mobile app.

💡For more tips and best practices on how to run a CSAT survey, check out a comprehensive guide from the Survicate team.

📞 If you have any questions about analyzing the CSAT score - feel free to reach out to our team via chat or e-mail:

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