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CSAT surveys: A comprehensive guide

Learn what are CSAT surveys, how to create a CSAT survey, tips, and best practices from the team.

Eylül avatar
Written by Eylül
Updated over a week ago

A Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSAT) is designed to identify the satisfaction rate of a company's services or activities. CSAT score is applied to assess customer interest, identify issues, or segment customers. High satisfaction rates indicate potential customer expansion, royalty, and the chance to purchase your products again. Professionals use rating systems to assess performance improvements and obtain a better view of whether or not your company follows the standards of the client.

Watch our video to learn the 10 powerful Customer Satisfaction questions you can implement in your surveys. 📽️

Learn why measuring CSAT is so important here 📽️

Why is CSAT important?

  • After the introduction of a new support approach, customer service can refer to the adjustments using their CSAT score

  • The product team can collect feedback on the existing features and feature requests

  • The human resources department could even conduct surveys of the employees to evaluate organizational happiness

  • Enterprises should check the CSAT score of each team to get a picture of their performance and happiness

  • could be used by the sales teams after the purchase to optimize sales operations and boost achievements

  • CSAT gives an opportunity for Customer Success to assess customer loyalty and satisfaction.

How to measure the CSAT score?

A CSAT survey usually consists of one main question:

How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the service you received?

Typically, answer options are graded on a scale from 1-5, where 1 means very unsatisfied and 5 represents very satisfied.

The general formula for how you can measure your score after the responses:

(Number of customers satisfied (4 and 5) / Number of survey responses) x 100 = percentage of customers satisfied

We advise you to choose 4 (satisfied) and 5 (very satisfied) answers to implement the formula as it has been shown that the most reliable indicator of customer retention is using the two greatest values on customer feedback surveys.

Best practices

Run an omnichannel survey

Send surveys via email, run them on your website, as well as use integrations and distribution options with various platforms. By focusing on different channels, you are going to enable your consumers to take part in the survey when and where it is most convenient for them, which is a crucial point for a successful response rate.

Provide a text question for further feedback

After rating questions, feel free to provide open-ended (text answer) questions to gain deeper feedback and note the details. An open-ended question is great because the respondent can leave any thoughts and suggestions about your product or service they liked and aspects they didn't like. This way, you can build trustful and close relationships with customers.

Keep it short

If you want to maximize your response rate, this is the thing you need to remember. A survey consisting of two questions, customer satisfaction, and experience, allows you to boost responses while collecting helpful data. Nobody wants to fill out a long survey while having a lot of other things to do. To provide your respondent with a personalized survey experience, direct the most relevant question to the right group using survey logic.

Run your CSAT survey after each conversation

It's a good idea to run the CSAT survey after each interaction with the Customer Success or Support teams, as it captures the view of conversation quality and helps to adjust the behavior. If you're going to run it once a year, it won't show you which aspects you should pay attention to. Thus, constantly conduct your survey to keep the quality levels high.

Tips to success

  • Embed your CSAT survey in an email, so the first question will be part of the email page. This would boost your response rate.

  • Send your CSAT survey after solving Zendesk tickets to gather the most valuable data. You can create a new automation for your survey or add your survey to the existing automation.

  • Running a CSAT survey in Intercom allows you to get immediate feedback directly in chat after a conversation is conducted. It's a good chance to follow up on a customer fast in case of an unsatisfied experience.

  • Use HubSpot to send CSAT surveys to your leads or customers. You can also transfer survey answers to your lead properties. It can be used for stronger segmentation, lead grading, and qualification. The feedback is collected in real-time, allowing you to control communication with leads.

  • Keep everyone on your team on board by using our native Slack Integration to send survey notifications in real-time. Act on the feedback in no time and tackle issues to keep users happy.

  • Close the feedback loop with your customers, so insights aren't wasted. Once you have gathered your data, use it to improve your product, customer service, website design, and more.

Check out our video for valuable tips and instructions

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