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Survey A/B/X testing

Conduct split tests by running different variants of surveys on your website

Agnieszka avatar
Written by Agnieszka
Updated over a week ago

For Website or in-product surveys, you can conduct a split test by running different variants of one survey which will be randomly shown to visitors of your website or web app. We achieve this by assigning website visitors different cookie values.

With A/B/X testing, you can:

  • see which version of a survey gets higher response rates;

  • experiment with offering various incentives to your visitors;

  • test out different Call-to-Actions after answering the survey.

In this article, you'll learn how to set up A/B/X testing and run various variants of your website or in-product survey to avoid researcher and response bias.

Step 1. Enable the A/B Testing integration

1. In your Survicate Panel, go to Settings > Integrations and look for A/B Testing.

2. Click Connect to activate the A/B Testing feature.

3. Provide the cookie's name and choose how many segments you want to split your visitors into.

We will generate a cookie with numerous values depending on how many variants you’d like to test. This creates randomly picked segments of website visitors for your A/B/X test.

For example:

1 - 2 is an A/B test. We will generate a cookie with value 1 and with value 2, so your audience will be randomly split into 2 groups.

1 - 4 is an A/B/C/D test, your audience will be split into groups of 25% of visitors each.

💡 You can add another cookie to run several A/B/X tests at once.

4. Don't forget to click Save. The cookie generation and assignment will be enabled and we’ll start splitting your website visitors by assigning everyone one of the cookie's values.

Step 2. Create and target surveys

The created cookies should now be used to target your surveys.

1. Create a new Website or in-product survey. You can either set up a survey of your own (start from scratch), select a survey from our templates library (start from template), create a survey with AI, or import questions you prepared before:

 2. To define a new Audience, go to the Target > Audience tab:

3. Click the New Audience button, give your audience a name, and click Create Audience:

💡 To easily distinguish between your A/B surveys, you can name the survey and the Audience the same way you named the cookie while enabling the A/B Testing integration and add its value.

4. Click Add filter and choose Cookies from User Properties.

5. Here, you need to input the name of the cookie and its value. We are first creating the survey to include visitors with our ABtest cookie with the value 1.

6. When you are ready, click Create audience.

Remember to enable the audience in order to display the survey properly.

❗️Create as many surveys as cookie values you’ve picked. For example, if you've picked 2 cookie values 1-4 , you will need to create 4 surveys.

Now, head on to the next survey and follow steps 1 to 6. This time, we'll be creating the Audience for our cookie ABtest with the value 2, then with value 3, and so on. You can name the Audiences ABtest2, ABtest3, or anything else you like.

❗️ If you don't want one visitor to see multiple of those surveys if they enter your page more than once, you can enable survey throttling in the Frequency tab of the survey and set a number of days / weeks / months / years that should pass after we’ve shown one website survey to a respondent before we’ll show the next one to this person.

💡 You can also set up the web survey throttling for the whole workspace in Surveys settings -> Web surveys -> Survey throttling which will determine the time frame between showing website surveys from your workspace to website visitors.

This will also apply to all new Website surveys in your Survicate workspace. Whereas the setting on survey level (in the Target > Frequency tab) can override this global setting.

Step 3. Analyze responses

When your surveys have collected some responses, you can see them in the Analyze tab in your Survicate Panel. By comparing the results from all your surveys, you can determine how survey questions, survey design, or even the answer choices influence the results.

Take a look at our survey results guide to make the most of your visitors' answers 🚀


I don't see the survey even though I belong to the enabled Audience

If you don't see the survey, please check if you have the Survicate tracking code installed on your website.

It's also possible you have already answered it. Please try changing the survey's Frequency settings.

Best practices

Target the survey on specific URLs or show it with a delay

Choose to show your survey after someone has scrolled a part of your webpage, when they're about to exit, or only on some of your website's subpages. Visit our targeting basic guide to learn how to achieve this.

If you still want to collect reliable results for your A/B/X tests, you should target all the surveys from this test to the same URLs, or enable identical triggering settings.

Take a look at our video to learn more:

📞 If you have any questions about setting up the Survey A/B/X Testing - feel free to reach out to our team via chat or email:

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