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Change the order of your questions

Learn how to use drag-and-drop to change your question order

Agnieszka avatar
Written by Agnieszka
Updated over a week ago

Are you done with your survey and noticed that the order of questions is not what you expected? Or maybe you need to reorganise the questions in one of our templates? Don't worry, you can quickly change the survey flow.
This article will show you how to work on the existing surveys. If you don't know how to start your survey, go ahead and check out our complete guide!

How to change the order of questions?

If you don't apply the survey logic, the respondent will answer all questions in the order visible on the left in your survey creator.

To update the order, click on the question you'd like to drag and drop it to the new location.

On the right side of your survey editor, you can find a preview and test your flow, before launching the survey.

Add a new question in the middle of the survey

If you need to add a new question between already existing ones, you can do that by clicking the โž• icon:

and choosing the question type.

All done! You can now setup up your logic settings, adjust the design or share the survey with your customers.

Best Practices

Customize your survey and questions

Learn how to personalize your survey design, and add introduction text and comment


Engage your respondents by redirecting them to external URLs or your Social Media pages
Add a CTA screen to increase engagement on your pages, or ask the Promoters to leave a review!

๐Ÿ“ž If you have any questions or need assistance - feel free to reach out to our team via chat or email:

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