When you are signing up to Survicate, it may happen that you create a new organization within Survicate instead of joining the account you were invited to. As a result, you will not be able to see the surveys created by your colleagues, and your company will have multiple organization accounts instead of having all the users within one company's account.
πRead on to learn how to fix it.
To have all the users in one Survicate account, you should go to Organization settings > Teammates and select Invite teammate.
Fill out all the needed fields.
The new user will receive the email invitation where they'll need to click Join Survicate to be added as a new teammate within an existing organization.
You can find more information on adding and managing users in this article.
It's possible that the invited person has created another Survicate account as well as joined your organization.
In this case, your colleague should be able to switch organizations by clicking this button:
π If you have any questions or need help with your survey, feel free to reach out to our team at support@survicate.com or strike up a chat conversation!