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HubSpot x Survicate - FAQ

Everything you wanted to know about Survicate surveys for HubSpot.

Daniela avatar
Written by Daniela
Updated over 10 months ago

If you want to read more about HubSpot Integration in general, you can see all the materials here ⬅️. This article answers the most popular questions about HubSpot integration and survey distribution. Below, you'll find answers to the most commonly asked questions.

I can't connect HubSpot to Survicate

To connect integration with HubSpot, you need to have 'App marketplace access' permissions in HubSpot and user, admin, or owner permissions in Survicate. You can read more about HubSpot permissions here and Survicate permissions here

My HubSpot integration isn't working

If you run an email survey, please check if you have selected HubSpot as the Identify respondents with method under Configure > Identify respondents and if your survey responses are identified.

We can't send responses to HubSpot for unidentified respondents!

Please note that answering the survey from the test email function in HubSpot is insufficient for the integration to work. You need to send the survey to an existing contact if you want to test the integration.

If your configuration is right, but the integration still doesn't work - please go to the Integrations tab of the Survicate panel, find HubSpot there, and reconnect the integration.

📞You checked all of the steps, but the issue still occurs? Get in touch with us via chat or send an email to, and we'll help you right away 😊

Can I connect two HubSpot instances to my Survicate account?

It's only possible to integrate one Survicate workspace with one HubSpot workspace (instance). If you'd like to run surveys in multiple HubSpot instances, please contact or start a conversation with us to discuss account options with more than one Survicate workspace.

I'm sending my survey via HubSpot, but respondent information (name and email) is not coming through.

We automatically generate software-aware URLs to collect respondent information if you have picked HubSpot as a distribution platform. If you are experiencing responses coming as anonymous or information looking distorted (such as {{FIRST.NAME}} instead of respondent's name), please re-check which communication option you are using in HubSpot to send the survey.

We can pull respondents' information only if the surveys are sent via Marketing Emails. Also, please note that collecting respondent information from emails sent via a test function is impossible. You need to send the survey to an existing contact if you want to test the integration.

Remember: Due to HubSpot's restriction on personalization tokens, we can only automatically grab respondent information for HubSpot Marketing Hub users and surveys sent from HubSpot Marketing Emails. For other plans and email types (such as one-to-one emails sent from the contact record view), please include a contact form question as required to identify your respondents!

How can I collect contacts' information other than first name, last name, and email?

If you want to collect chosen HubSpot contact properties (other than first name, last name, and email), you have to add merge tags to your survey link.

Let's say that you want to additionally collect the contacts' properties such as industry, job title, city, annual revenue, and number of employees. To achieve that, you have to copy the link from the share tab of the survey and add your custom attributes to it.

The final link for this example looks like this:{{contact.firstname}}&last_name={{contact.lastname}}&email={{}}&industry={{contact.industry}}&job_title={{contact.jobtitle}}&annual_revenue={{contact.annualrevenue}}&employees={{contact.numemployees}}&city={{contact.ip_city}}

Where can I find my HubSpot module?

To have the Survicate module in HubSpot, you must have the HubSpot Integration connected. If you have it done, go to the share tab of your survey and click on Get your HubSpot modal button:

Now, go to HubSpot -> Marketing > Email to create a new email. Select + More and look for the content named Survicate survey module:

Here, you'll find your Survicate modules that you can drop directly into your email's body:

Can I update properties without collecting respondents' personal data?

For the integration to work and update properties in HubSpot, you have to collect at least the respondents' emails.

Why do my respondents see the first question again on the landing page?

You probably have the Email answers confirmation feature turned on:

In this case, people who click on an answer in the email are redirected to a landing page, and they have to confirm the answer there for it to be submitted:

To give you some background: before we had this feature, sometimes, when an embedded survey was used, we noticed duplicate answers caused by security add-ons or link-scanning software installed on the respondents' devices. The way it works is that the software scans the link and opens it before the user does, and that's how those fake responses (bot clicks) are registered.

Our development team implemented a feature that can be used to prevent those duplicates. It's called Email answers confirmation, and it is turned on by default.

You can try turning it off and see if it changed the clicks/responses ratio - there is a possibility that the double responses issue won't affect you (it depends on whether your respondents use the software mentioned above or not) 😊

Why am I getting duplicate responses?

Please check your survey retaking settings, which you can find in the configure tab of your survey:

❗ If the "Allow this survey to be taken multiple times..." option is enabled, each respondent will be allowed to take the survey as many times as they wish.

If you have this option disabled and still see duplicates, they are probably caused by security add-ons or link-scanning software installed on the respondent's device. They affect surveys that have the first question embedded into the emails.

Our team implemented a feature that can be used to prevent those duplicates. It's called Email answers confirmation; you can enable it in Settings > Survey Experience:

Once you enable it, we will ask the users to confirm the first answer to register only valid responses. That will prevent the duplicate issue in the future, but when it comes to the ones that were already provided - unfortunately, the only way is to delete them manually.

📞 If you have any questions about HubSpot Integration - feel free to reach out to our team via chat or email:

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