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Automate quarterly NPS® surveys with Mailchimp

Easily send your surveys quarterly via Mailchimp

Daniela avatar
Written by Daniela
Updated over a week ago

Use the Mailchimp Automations option to configure an automatic distribution of your NPS surveys at defined time intervals. It can be handy to track how the NPS changes over time and if it's time to make changes to your service or product.

Step 1. Create a survey to send via an email or direct link

1. Log in to your account, and you'll see the panel where you can view all surveys you've created - active and inactive. To create a new survey, click on Create new survey.

2. Pick an Email or shareable link survey from the menu. You can either add all questions on your own (start from scratch), choose and modify one of our templates (start from template), use AI-assisted creation, or import questions you prepared before:

3. Choose Mailchimp in the Identify respondents with field in both the Configure and Share tabs of your survey:

4. Copy the HTML code if you'd like to embed the survey's first question in the Mailchimp email. If you'd rather include the link to the survey in the email or behind a CTA button, copy the survey's link.

5. Allow the survey to be answered multiple times from the same browser:

💡 If you need a more detailed guide - you'll find it here.

Step 2. Create an Automation in Mailchimp

In Mailchimp, head over to Automations > All journeys > Build from scratch and create a path that will send an email with a survey to an Audience, wait a certain time, then send the survey again, and so on:

Feel free to adjust the time breaks and other details to make the Automation most suitable for your use case.

Congratulations! Your NPS automation is ready to use - you can start collecting regular feedback 🎉

📞 If you have any questions about Mailchimp Integration - feel free to reach out to our team via chat or email:

Net Promoter, NPS, and the NPS - related emoticons are registered U.S. trademarks, and Net Promoter Score and Net Promoter System are service marks, of Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc. and Fred Reichheld.

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