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Target and launch your mobile survey
Target and launch your mobile survey

Target your mobile surveys to specific screens, a certain group of visitors, or a specific action

Agnieszka avatar
Written by Agnieszka
Updated over a month ago

In the Target tab of your survey, you can choose the conditions that need to be matched to display a survey. You can apply conditions for which screens your survey will appear, what action triggers your survey, which users should see your survey, and set up a recurring display of the survey:

Haven't created a mobile survey yet? Learn how to here 📽️


Under screens, you can define where you'd like to show your survey. This way, you can ensure your surveys are triggered only in the most relevant location.

❗️ Before using this function, information about entering and leaving the screen has to be initialized on Survicate SDK installation by your developer - click here to learn more.

You can trigger surveys on all screens, or only certain screens:

You can include more screens to display your survey by clicking + Add another screen button:


You can display surveys after respondents complete specific actions in your app or after spending a certain time on a particular screen:

  • Instantly when a user lands on a screen: will trigger the survey as soon as your user lands on the screen defined above

  • After screen load with delay: Pick the time the survey is displayed after the user lands on your selected page, and enter the duration in seconds. 

📌 This option is only available to choose if the survey is targeted at a certain screen.

📌 The user's visit must be continuous for the delay to function properly—it does not accumulate across multiple sessions.

When a user triggers an event: Display survey after your user completes certain actions on your app. In this case, the survey will trigger as soon as your respondent performs this event.
In the dropdown you should see all event names invoked in your app to choose them for targeting.
Optionally, you can add properties to the event, as well as decide whether the survey should pop up with delay after even occurrence, after a certain number of event occurrences, or after a specified time has passed since the first or last event occurrence.

❗️ If you apply more than one filter to the event, all of the applied conditions should be met for a survey to appear.
❗️Event conditions, apart from even properties, are available starting from SDK version 5.2.0. In older versions, these settings will be ignored.
❗️ Event properties are available starting from SDK version 4.4.0

  • Don't show this survey if a user has answered other surveys in a current session: If you are running multiple surveys at once on your app, you might want to limit the surveys your visitors are seeing to avoid bothering them.
    When this setting is enabled, if your user has engaged (responded or closed) a survey on their current session, we won't show this survey. The session lasts from the moment the app was opened to closing the app.


You can show your survey to all users matching the other selected conditions or define a custom audience:

You can use sampling to show your survey to a percentage of your users, too:

Custom audience allows you to segment a group of users based on various parameters like the Attributes, Device language, Logged-in status, Operating system, or Screen orientation. Use filters to segment your survey audience:

You can switch between Include / Exclude when creating adding user information to your Audience (starting from the version 4.0.0. of our Mobile SDK):

  • User attributes

You can assign custom attributes (traits) to your users and target your surveys based on these attributes. Attributes are any information you have about your users and store on your app. You can use attributes to target your survey based on demographics, department, or type of company they work in, their plan, etc.

❗️Remember that your developer needs to modify the code to assign attributes to specific respondents. Learn more about it on our documentation for developers.

If you have two or more Attributes in the same audience, you can decide if we should trigger the survey when all of them match the visitor (AND condition) or only one of them (OR condition) - available starting from the version 4.0.0. of our Mobile SDK:

If you wish to Exclude users with a certain attribute but Include users with a different attribute, please add the second attribute by clicking on Add filter instead of on + Add another attribute.

❗️The limit of how many attributes can be passed to one Survicate workspace for all survey types altogether is 2,000.

  • Device language

Language enables you to target users using the specific language set up on their devices, picking it up from the list. Our code automatically detects the language and doesn't require any customization in SDK as it's not stored as a user trait. You can also trigger the same survey for multiple languages by selecting them from the list:

  • Logged-in status

If you are assigning custom attributes to your users, you can target them based on their login status as Logged in or Anonymous (logged-out) users:

  • Operating system

If you have installed Survicate SDK on both your iOS and Android applications, you can show the survey only to the users of one of these devices:

  • Screen orientation

    It’s possible to target your Mobile app surveys by different modes of device screen orientation - Portrait mode or Landscape mode.

❗️The survey with the Screen orientation setting will only appear to respondents if you're using our SDKs starting from version 4.2.0.

Using multiple Audiences

The below 2 options are available starting from the version 4.0.0. of our Mobile SDK.

1. If you have two or more filters in the same audience, you can decide if we should trigger the survey when all of these filters match the visitor (AND condition) or only one of them (OR condition).

2. If you have two or more audiences enabled, we trigger the surveys to all enabled audiences. The website visitor must match the requirements of at least one of the enabled Audiences (OR condition).


You can adjust your survey frequency to run a single mobile app survey on a recurring basis.

If you'd like each user to only see the survey once, select this setting:

If you want to allow your customers to complete the survey multiple times, select the option Let the user take the survey multiple times on a recurring basis and specify the frequency at which the user should be able to retake the survey.

Optionally, you can also decide after how long the survey should stop reappearing:

If you're using our SDK version 4.3.0 or newer, you can set a number of days / weeks / months / years that should pass after we’ve shown one Mobile app survey to a respondent before we’ll show the next one to this person.

💡 You can also set up the Mobile app survey throttling for the whole workspace in Surveys settings -> Mobile surveys -> Survey throttling which will determine the time frame between showing Mobile app surveys from your Survicate workspace to mobile app visitors.

This will also apply to all new Mobile app surveys in your Survicate workspace. Whereas the above setting on survey level (in the Target > Frequency tab) can override this global setting.

📌 Setting up survey frequency is available on some of our plans. If you are interested in testing this feature, contact us at or strike up a chat conversation

Launch your survey

When you are ready to launch your survey, you can start it right away or set a custom date to start your survey. If you select a custom date, we will start your survey on this day at 0:00 GMT.

If you are running research for a number of visitors only, you can set a response limit for your survey. We will automatically stop the survey when this response limit is reached.

When the periodical Limit of responses within a period is reached, the survey will change its status to Paused with an indication on when it will be reactivated.

❗️ Limits of responses within a period are counted on a calendar basis - calendar day, week, month, year.

❗️If you would like to reactivate it earlier, you need to increase the Limit of responses within a period and enable the survey after that. If you don't enable a survey, it will not be activated automatically when the Limit of responses within a period is increased, you need to enable it on your own.

If you don't want any limits, just toggle it off.

📌 If the respondent opens the survey before it was disabled and answers it while it is disabled, the response will still be collected and recorded.

Alternatively, you can stop your survey at a specific date as well. We will stop your survey on this day at 0:00 GMT.

📌 Whenever you make changes to your survey's setup, they take a couple of minutes to take effect.

📞 If you have any questions or need help setting up Mobile SDK, please reach out to our team at

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