If you are using Survicate surveys to collect NPS, CSAT, or CES scores from your Zendesk tickets. You can easily pass these responses to your users' Zendesk profiles or update your tickets with your survey responses using Zapier.
How to set up a Zap?
Step 1. Survey creation
Create your survey in the Survicate panel to send via Zendesk. If you are not ready with your survey yet, check out this article to start creating a Zendesk survey.
Step 2. Create a Zap
Head to your Zapier account and click Create a Zap. Pick Survicate from the list of apps, and pick one of two available options. But remember, if you choose New survey completion as a trigger, the survey needs to be filled out completely - if the respondent drops the survey in a process, we won't activate Zap until they complete it.
Step 3. Set up triggers
For our Zap, we've picked the New Question Answer trigger. Now connect your Zapier account to Survicate by pasting your API Key, which you can find in Settings > Data Export API. Then, pick the survey you'd like to pass the responses from and the question (if applicable). You are now ready to test your data. We'll test the trigger with a demo response.
Step 4. Connect Zendesk
For your next step, pick Zendesk as the app and the event Find a User
Step 5. Customize user
Pick the Respondent email from the first step as the query string under Customize user settings.
Step 6. Create test user
For the demonstration, we've created a test user in our Zendesk account with the email: email@example.com. You can skip this step, but we advise you to follow along to understand how the Zap will work thoroughly.
If you'd like to skip this step, simply click Skip test in Zapier
Step 7. Update user
Continue and add a third step. This time, again, pick Zendesk as your app and Update User as the Event:
Step 8. Customize user
Under Choose Account -> User, select the ID field from the second step of your zap.
Here, you can pick the fields to update upon your survey response, add a tag to your user, or update your existing fields with the survey response. We've chosen to add a note to the account with their survey response. If you don't want to update some fields, simply leave them empty.
Step 9. Test the Zap
Now, when you test the Zap, you should be able to see the setup you've prepared in your respondent's profile!
📞 If you have any questions about updating Zendesk users, reach out to our team at support@survicate.com or start a chat conversation 👉.
Net Promoter, NPS, and the NPS - related emoticons are registered U.S. trademarks, and Net Promoter Score and Net Promoter System are service marks, of Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc. and Fred Reichheld.