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Survey Archive

Learn how to archive surveys in your Survicate account

Agnieszka avatar
Written by Agnieszka
Updated over a year ago

You can now archive surveys in your Survicate account.

This feature will help keep the survey list clean and organized while saving historical data for future reference or analysis.

Another benefit of this feature is that archived surveys' data won't be counted into your "responses stored on active surveys" limit, enabling you to manage your subscription plan better.

To archive a survey, simply click on the three dots you see on the main dashboard, and select Archive:

On the left-hand side of your dashboard, click on Archived surveys:

You'll see that analyzing or editing such a survey is impossible. That's because archived surveys can't be edited, used, or analyzed, as they aren't counted into your account's monthly or yearly response limit.

To be able to access your survey again, click on the three dots and select Unarchive:

You can repeat this process multiple times for each survey to best fit your needs.

πŸ“ž If you have any questions about the Survey Archive - feel free to reach out to our team via chat or email:

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