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Contentsquare Implementation

Use JavaScript events and Survicate to integrate with Contentsquare

Agnieszka avatar
Written by Agnieszka
Updated over a week ago

It's now possible to see your survey activity in Contentsquare.

Below, you'll find step-by-step instructions on how to implement it.

Please note that using JavaScript API, needed for this process to work, is available on some of our plans.

This article shows an example of syncing respondents' answers to a specific question from Survicate to Contentsquare.

To send a survey's question data to Contensquare:

// Listen for the 'question_answered' event from Survicate
window.addEventListener('SurvicateReady', () => {
window._sva.addEventListener('question_answered', (surveyId, questionId, answer) => {
/* Format the event information into a string. The format is up to you, this is just an example */
const eventInfo = `SurveyID: ${surveyId}, QuestionID: ${questionId}, Answer: ${answer}`;

// Push the event to Contentsquare
window._uxa = window._uxa || [];
window._uxa.push(['trackPageEvent', eventInfo]);

Other JavaScript events, besides question_answered, can be found here.

πŸ“ž If you have any questions or need assistance - feel free to reach out to our team via chat or email:

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